La Causa Exhibit



My Name is Tom Martinez and I am inquiring into your La Causa exhibit on behalf of the California State Fair.  The State Fair takes place this year between July 14-30th.  We celebrate the best of California through our competitions, exhibits, and diverse populations.  Roughly 800,000 attendees come to visit the California State Fair to learn about the State’s rich agriculture history.  It is our belief that the Farmworker’s story would be a great addition to the other agriculture exhibits on display this year.


Is there someone I can speak with to learn more about the La Huelga exhibit and to understand if its contents can be shared in fair type environment (indoor exhibit).


I can be reached directly at (916) 263-



I'm forwarding your request to our A-V Archivist, Elizabeth Clemens.  She should be responding shortly.



  • Last Updated Jan 15, 2019
  • Views 18
  • Answered By Kathy Schmeling

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